to the Integrated Report 2022/23

People's Guide




Road safety is of critical importance to SANRAL as it affects our operations, stakeholders and the broader community. Unsafe roads and driving practices can lead to crashes, injuries and fatalities, resulting in significant social and economic costs. By prioritising road safety, SANRAL contributes to saving lives and supporting sustainable economic development.

Eyes on our national roads

SANRAL’s Freeway Management System (FMS) is designed to ensure the efficient and safe operation of South Africa’s national roads. The FMS not only helps to reduce traffic delays and congestion but also plays an important role in preventing crimes such as vehicle hijacking.

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The system consists of CCTV cameras, vehicle detection stations (VDS) and variable message signs (VMS), operated from the FMS Traffic Management Centre (TMC).

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Tackling truck

Overloading of heavy vehicles poses a significant safety risk and causes damage to road infrastructure. To curb overloading on major routes used by trucks and other heavy vehicles, SANRAL owns and operates a number of weighbridges, traffic control centres and satellite stations across its network.




traffic control centres


satellite stations

‘Hazmat’ training
for first responders

Road Incident Management Systems (RIMS) is a national system and set of protocols implemented by SANRAL to ensure emergency services respond swiftly and effectively to road incidents.

In 2022, RIMS initiated the national implementation of new hazmat (hazardous materials) awareness training for emergency services and first responders. Developed in collaboration with qualified fire chiefs, it aims to support and empower first responders, particularly in light of the devastating Boksburg gas explosion in December 2022.

The training will now be rolled out nationwide following a successful pilot in the Western Cape.